


As a therapist in grief and loss I accompany people on their journey of self-understanding and change. I help to find a way to improve well-being. Which means to learn to cope with losses, difficulties in life, worries and needs. I work with the integrative relational model, which means working on a physical, cognitive, emotional, behaviour and spiritual level.


Every loss has a natural process which can affect us on different levels: physical, cognitive, emotional, behaviour and spiritual. You can almost see every difficulty in life which you are confronted with as a loss, like for example changes at work/ living area/ home/ school, a divorce, stages of life, difficult relationships, death of a loved one, expected loss, personal ability and capacity, symbolic and more.

Talking about the happening and expression of emotions is necessary for working through your process of loss, but it is not the only one. That’s why I work within an integrative approach to facilitate a healthy process of growth. Always keeping in mind the importance of the relationship therapist-client, the relational model, which can make a repair and transformation in itself also possible.

Working from an integrative approach, may transform your health and well-being, it can benefit your relationships, make you more understanding and loving and it can help you to become more awake as a person in your day-to-day life.


My work consists of counselling, body therapy, therapy in loss and mourning, self expression and art, mindfulness, meditation and healing. I also use energetic treatments to relieve stress, recharge batteries and release tension.

To reduces stress and anxiety, improvement of concentration , I offer a five sessions “safe and sound”. It relaxes the nervous system. It’s for both children and adults.

I organise workshops together with other therapists, creative artists and psychologists in Spain and The Netherlands.

I work closely together with other therapists, so if other help is needed I can make a referral. All my work is done under a regular base of supervision.